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Image by Anna Bratiychuk
Image by Tim Mossholder
Step into your   Wisdom, Power & Sovereignty
Transformational Trauma Therapy, Kundalini Yoga & Spiritual Psychology, For Women seeking the ultimate Freedom from  Perfectionism, Anxiety, Burnout, Chronic Stress back to Self Love, Self Expression & Inner Peace
Image by Gabrielle Henderson
Image by Tommy van Kessel
Image by Hunter So

Welcome to SoulComplete!

A Holistic Healing Sanctuary for women with Perfectionism needing to heal, ready for more & wanting to grow in consciousness in a beautiful &  Powerful Way!

"We believe in extraordinary ability to transcend & use  Wisdom to cut through the illusions of the mind, revealing the truth that resides in the heart. With each swing, we free ourselves from fear, ego, and limitation, and step into the light of our highest self."


Realise your own creative Potential

A remembrance and reinvigoration of your Self and purpose.

Deep healing and releasing of past pains and traumas.

An experience in building healthy habits & self care based on a self-awareness over artificial external dictums.

Feelings of personal tranquility, self acceptance ,authenticity and wholeness.

Positive challenges that confront self-imposed limits,

The confidence to build a build a more peaceful , balanced and creative life.

Surrender & Giving fully to life.


Transform your Life!

Living with Perfectionism from unresolved trauma can leave you feeling trapped, hopeless and in a constant state of survival. These trauma imprints and limiting beliefs cause the chronic activation of your autonomic nervous system which in turn creates burnout, chronic stress & disease at a physiological level. It doesn’t have to be this way, transformation is available to you, and it’s available now.

You CAN break free from the negative thought patterns & the inner critic within that is keeping your mind and body stuck like a hamster wheel in these unwanted cycles.

This is the most fundamental freedom you can give yourself, healing at a subconscious level and reshaping your nervous system back to health and happiness. Your soul is screaming out for you to heal deeply because you were meant for  Self acceptance & more in this life.

"The sword of wisdom cuts through the illusions of the mind, revealing the truth that resides in the heart. With each swing, we free ourselves from fear, ego, and limitation, and step into the light of our highest self."

Kundalini Yoga

Spiritual Psychology

Trauma Recovery


Quantum Healing

Prosperity Codes

Holistic Natural Health

Womens Empowerment

Books & Meditations

Yoga & Mountain Retreats


"They just get it, I don´t have to explain the vibe. Half the time they know better than me what needs to get done. I couldn´t live without Assistify!"

Rudy Applegate, CA


Work With Me Privately 1:1

Find the right tools to unlock more of your energy, and step into your highest potential. It will lead you on your path to Destiny, Purpose and Divinity. The Most Intimate, Private And Bespoke Healing Experience, This Is My Most Exclusive Service Designed To Give You Full 1-1 Access To All Of My Expertise, Skills And Knowledge To Help You Find The Power To Heal So You Can Rediscover Your Self Worth And Live Your Best Life, Full of Strength, Joy And Happiness.

The Healing Perfectionism Course

The #1, Trauma Informed, Perfectionism Trauma Recovery 12 Step Deep Healing Cognitive & Somatic Therapy & Coaching System. This is a Self study Course To Help You Understand What Perfectionism Is, Discover Why You Became a perfectionist And Learn How You Can reclaim your power, release self abandonment  And Live The Life You Were Destined For Through Self Love and Self Worth. 


Phoenix Rising 12  Week Group Program

Awaken your power & join the life changing Phoenix Rising is A 12 Week Live Group spiritual Psychology & Trauma Recovery Program for Perfectionism, where you discover your souls purpose, Heal Trauma, at a deep subconscious level of all lifetimes, clear DNA Epigenetics of negative limiting beliefs and traumas, and guiding you back back to your soul purpose - By Awakening Your POWER! 

Cultivate vibrant physical health, emotional balance and mental clarity, healing the root causes of suffering, and returning to your stunning recognition of your own worthiness, magnificence, and the purity of your own self love.

When you regularly feel the rapture of being alive,you flourish in purpose and meaning, & become powerful, creative, innovative and compassionate contributors to society.

SoulComplete Membership

 SoulComplete is a 12 Month Spiritual community & membership. A Hybrid Combination Of Kundalini Yoga, Spiritual Psychology Teachings And Healing. SoulComplete membership Is a Holistic Journey Created For women Recognising They Want To Create A Wave Of Change In The World But Know That To Realise Their Ultimate Impact And Reach New Heights With Their Prosperity , Health And Relationships. Are you ready to deepen your spiritual practice, awaken your inner energy & step into your highest potential? This is the Gateway to transformation, empowerment & connection with your true self. This sacred space is designed to guide you through a journey of spiritual growth, self discovery & radiant health! With comprehensive Weekly Kundalini Classes, & Weekly Spiritual Psychology Teachings, healing and apply it to your daily life. 


Kundalini Yoga

Join us for powerful kundalini yoga for healing perfectionism. Kundalini means energy, and Kundalini yoga is a powerful and useful practice. It works quickly to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, tap into your intuition and elevate moods. Kundalini yoga uses postures, breath work, mantra and meditation to activate your body-mind system. Kundalini yoga is active, participatory and experiential. Kundalini Yoga and meditation strengthens the nervous system, stimulates the glandular system, affects hormonal balance, brain function, digestion, muscular strength. Experience relaxation, stimulation and breakthrough moments with this practice — not to mention, it’s fun! 



Join us for an off-the-beaten path adventure around the Scottish Highlands. This pilgrimage is a Mountain Quest + Kundalini Yoga Retreat with a divine an appointment with Destiny. Explore mystic landscapes and journey to ancient lands. Come home to your soul.

Meet Holly, the founder & heartbeat of SoulComplete.


I was once where you are right now.

Hi, I'm Holly, Founder of SoulComplete®

At the age of 39, I was emotionally, spiritually, and financially broken. I struggled in my daily life and in my personal relationships as a result of both Trauma and a disconnection from purpose


I had multiple traumas; , sexual Trauma in high school, Paralysing Perfectionism, Anxiety and i was heartbroken from grief & Loss. I have personally walked the tough road from trauma to recovery.


Despite all this, something inside me knew I had a soul's calling being birthed out of the suffering.


Maybe you even feel the same right now?


After seeking TRUTH, I discovered how to heal myself and created a life of financial and emotional freedom.


Years later, I used what I learned to become a spiritual Teacher and to live a life of true abundance in all areas of my life. 


Though it took me many years on my journey, I realised that my results could have been achieved in months, not decades, had I known what I know now.

Anyone can achieve their souls' purpose and enjoy the freedom and and innovative & creative expression that comes with that. It's your birthright!

Through a series of healing modalities that became the basis of my recovery, i realized i could help women  with this unique system of recovery.  I turned my life's learning into Soulcomplete®, combining Kundalini Yoga, Trauma recovery, Spirituality, Psychology, science (unified & quantum physics) & Quantum Healing. 


This combined technology uses ancient and modern techniques to rapidly transform trauma, reprogram the subconscious mind for success, and work on all lifetimes to an elevated consciousness.

SoulComplete will allow you to not only transcend and transform your own life, You will be free to create the life and unlock the creative innovation you see inside and know you deserve.

I look forward to you joining me in this divine journey together. You will be welcomed with open arms and my full heart!


"To be honest our finances were a hot mess! As creatives we never gave the numbers side of our biz the attention it needed. With Assistify we can focus on what we love."

Jules & Ru, ME

The Nº1 Spiritual Podcast for Self Love!

Welcome to the Freedom Series Podcast!

Your weekly dose of inspiration, Wisdom, tips, and Spiritual Teachings for Perfectionism back to self love! I'm Spiritual Teacher Holly, the founder of SoulComplete, and I'm here to help you elevate your Soul and set yourself free & unleash the Guru within!





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Our blog is like a free course in all things Spiritual, Trauma Recovery, Metaphysics & elevated consciousness.